"Immigration Gumballs" Google Video Should Be Seen By All Americans And Is More Important Than Al Gore's Movie
"Immigration Gumballs" Google Video Should Be Seen By All Americans And Is More Important Than Al Gore's MovieGoogle has a new function called Google Video and you can watch quite a few videos from there stored at that site. You may have to download Google Video software first. When you go to Google Video, just enter: Immigration Gumballs in the search box and follow the instructions.
Immigration Gumballs
Wild Earth and other Environmental Groups
16 min 54 sec - June 11, 2006
The video is relatively short, about 16 minutes and 54 seconds, but very informative. It talks about American immigration policy for the past 75 or so years. It is a G rated (to me) clean video without any hateful talk. I think it is a pretty honest discussion.
This video should be mandatory viewing with discussion at all high schools. colleges, and universities. It should be broadcasted frequently on all cable stations. Everyone should watch it on Google Video, which is a great service.
Then everyone should go to the federal government US Census website and study the statistics of existing and projected population growth of the United States.
The United States will arrive at a population of 300 million people approximately the first week of November 2006. We need to have a National Holiday to reflect on what that means and where we are today, and where we are heading. We need to reflect on the achievement of 300 million in population. Our population will increase 100 million since 1968. Our population will triple from 100 million to 300 million since 1915. Our country will be 400 million people within 35 more years. 300 million population is a milestone to be acknowledged and celebrated.
The video expresses why we need national discussions of where we are and where we are heading with current population growth. Throughout this blog I tried raising issues for discussion about impact of the surging growth of immigrants into America. America's infrastructure of roads, water supplies, power, schools, and so forth cannot handle such a burden. Social costs in jobs, lower salaries, fewer benefits, good jobs outsourced to foreign countries, overcrowding in the school systems, excessive healthcare costs, and much more are killing the American middle class.
There are billions of aliens that are worse off financially, educationally, medically, and so forth than the Mexicans. In the big picture Mexicans are better off than most of the world. I don't think we can bring all of the Mexican people to America, and certainly not the billions of the more impoverished people of the world. Maybe America should strive to bring or enable peace and prosperity in the world and help these poor people in their own homeland.
Maybe we can have a win-win situation and everyone has peace and prosperity.
But our president and congress seem to have a very reckless agenda by not protecting our borders from illegal entry into America and enabling them to openly live and work here.
This video is a must for every American citizen to see and they should see it soon. Then they should read a few articles in this blog. And then they should write to the president and their national, state, and local representatives.
By the way, Al Gore's Movie is also a must see. I have not seen it yet because it is being shown in limited theatres, but I plan to as soon as it arrives more locally to me.
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