Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vets Face More Health-Care Cuts

Vets Face More Health-Care Cuts

Associated Press February 13, 2007WASHINGTON - The Bush administration's budget assumes cuts to funding for veterans' health care two years from now - even as badly wounded troops returning from Iraq could overwhelm the system.

Bush is using the cuts, critics say, to help fulfill his pledge to balance the budget by 2012. But even administration allies say the numbers are not real and are being used to make the overall budget picture look better.


Each week we always see Bush making speeches in front of active duty military personnel. One would think these people are his biggest ally and his friends. But he has decided to play games with the veteran's health care budget and not to adequately fund it.

With our servicemen and servicewomen sacrificing so much in Iraq and Afghanistan recently and so many other places in the recent past, one would think the President would be sensitive to fully fund their health care. But no...he prefers to play politics with veterans health care which he should not under any circumstances.

It seems that there is no low which he is willing to stoop...even to offend the troops that are in harms way that he ordered to combat and the other troops that served past presidents.

Write to your senators and representative to fully fund veterans health care. Write the President that he made a mistake and should increase the veterans health care budget. We do not want shortages of beds, doctors, nurses, medicines, therapists, or anything else for our service people. We do not want any service for them to be denied or delayed for any reason.


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