The American Presidential Election Is Class War
The American Presidential Election Is Class WarThe Republicans are closing 8 years in power. Some say the Democrats have majority in the Senate and the House. They do but they are still seats short in the Senate and the House to pass anything unilaterally. And they need 2/3 majority to over-ride a Presidential Veto. The Republicans are in the catbird seat and know it at least until the Presidential Election in a few weeks, maybe.
Bush and McCain have let tens of millions of American jobs to be outsourced overseas with as many as 40 million more jobs that are eligible to go overseas. Bush and McCain never had any remorse about the disruption to millions of American workers being fired and having to start all over. Bush and McCain benefited companies relocating overseas.
First the Current Republicans are warmongers, including Bush and McCain, instead of treading a little more lightly in the world, they seek armed conflict. They ignored Papa Bush's excellent advice and example not to take over Iraq because he knew it wound up horrendous for America. Well, he was right. Look it up, these people have been labelled neocons. Everyone knows that Bush and McCain stretched the truth about Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction. Another thing, Papa Bush developed a consensus in the United Nations and was supported in grand way with other countries sending military assets to force Iraq from Kuwait. There was some support for the Bush McCain Iraq war internationally but it has been minimal and continues to diminish. McCain has said we will be there for 100 years or as long as it takes. McCain has mocked diplomacy, where even if there is a small chance to avoid military conflict by diplomacy, he is for guns first and then talk. McCain talks about winning the war and the only winners are the contractors reaping billions of dollars worth of contracts, while Americans are dying and being maimed for life. There is no-one to surrender in Iraq. America cannot stop Muslim factions from killing each other, which has been going on for centuries,...the Iraqi government and the powerful Muslim clerics have to put to stop the genocide. Bush and McCain has put America in an Iraqi and Muslim civil war which America cannot "win".
Republicans Bush and McCain believe in small government and have cut and not increased many agencies to match giant population increases since the 1960's, so that they do not have the manpower to perform their duties.
Thousands of Americans, including infants and children, became sick due to lack of inspection of human food, pet food, toys, medicines, and other things. Some people and their pets died because of their consumption or contact with inspected items. Republicans Bush and McCain are performing less than half of the inspections performed by federal agencies in the 1960's and the population of America increased 50% since then from 200 million to more than 300 million people.
ICE does not have the size staff to round up tens of millions of illegal aliens or to prosecute the employers of illegal aliens. Ice does not have the size of staff to prosecute safe haven cities from supporting illegal alien residency in their cities. ICE and the courts have blocked support from all local and state police agencies to police illegal aliens. The illegal aliens destabilize jobs, wages, and benefits for American workers and the Republicans know it.
Bush, McCain, and other Republicans have blocked or slowed the protection of the American border with Mexico. In almost 8 years of 2 Bush administrations there has been no statistical effectiveness of the border fence building. The border is as porous as it was when Bush first entered office. The Mexican border is the biggest gateway into America for illegal drugs and Bush and McCain know that too and they do nothing to protect the border. Congress has allotted the money for the fence to be built but it is the Executive Office of Bush and Son of Bush junior, John McCain to hire the contractors, manage the construction, and get the job done...but the results are their is a huge surplus of money and much of the proposed fence is not built.
The Border Patrol and the DEA are still understaffed and the border is still as porous as ever for illegal aliens and drugs.
Bush and McCain have diminished the safety net for Americans in need. They cut budgets and have made sure most benefits have been reduced by not increasing them due to inflation. Sure, millions have food stamps for example, but the amount of the stamp award has not been increased and we know most food prices have increased 20% to 30% or more during the past few years.
Laws that have been around for generations were put there due to combat excesses of the wealthy and to protect American workers and their families have been cut by the Bush and McCain and then agencies are too far understaffed to perform much enforcement. It is odds like the lottery to get the EEOC to support a claim. OSHA has had its teeth pulled by Bush and McCain. Workman's Compensation for any worker injured on the job today is woefully inadequate.
Bush and McCain have supported businesses not to offer, reduce, or to drop health care benefits for their workers. They approve large employers to seek out public insurance coverage for their employees. Millions of working poor rely on Medicaid or other public health resources. Bush and McCain have been talking about tax credits to offset health insurance premiums but you have to have substantial income to use it, which makes it moot for more than half of America's citizens. Most personal bankruptcies are caused by medical bills and this is increasing. Bush and McCain have had their chance to improve the medical delivery systems and medical insurance during the last 8 years but have failed. The Tax Credit is good but children, retirees, the handicapped, and the working poor and the moderately paid are unaddressed by this McCain solution.
Bush and McCain have no regard for American workers in America by allowing and expanding the H1B and 22 other temporary alien worker visitor visas so that aliens can replace Americans on the job in America. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their jobs in America and have been replaced by H1B or other visa category aliens. There is no job in America, where an alien cannot be brought in to work in America.
Bush and McCain believe in less oversight and regulation and have eliminated may laws enacted by our forefathers due to problems they had during their time. Look and the huge banking scare in America today. Snake oil salesmen were allowed to sell bogus mortgages to basically the working poor and now their are trillions of bad mortgage contracts rocking the world financial markets.
Billions of American tax dollars have already been spent to support major American financial institutions and Bush and McCain are seeking $700 billion more to bail out major institutions and their senior executives. The end of the bail out is still no where in sight but this is a dangerous situation where America and the world can be in major depression if solutions are not found or just to plain inaction. Bush's Fed and Treasury were asleep while on duty to protect the American public.
Unemployment is reaching new highs and are plotted to go much higher. Many Americans are losing their jobs and having to settle for work below their education, training, and skills. No solutions to increase employment with good paying jobs have been presented by Bush or McCain. They have a market approach that says do nothing and have faith that employers will be hiring again eventually.
The economic stimulus has been circulated to millions of Americans and has been spent, which has proven that the American economy requires more stimulation, but no proposals exist except to do nothing by Bush and McCain. During the past few years the American consumer has been jolted by high inflation in gas and heating costs, food, and everything else. The typical American consumer has no discretionary income to buy much except for necessities. And wages have declined during Bush McCain.
During the Bush administrations, it is true that the wealthy have become wealthier. It appears that little or nothing beneficial has trickled down to working Americans except major problems. The working Americans have declined in almost all aspects of their lives during the Bush administrations. Things look brighter for the wealthy with McCain and much brighter for working Americans with Obama.
One wonders why $100 million dollars and $4 million dollars in annual income is not enough for McCain. How come he blatantly persecuted American workers with his votes? How could he vote against minimum wage more than 17 times? The Republicans jeopardised America in just 8 years and that is enough. George Bush, John McCain and other Republicans can see failure every time they look into the mirror. And McCain has been the poster boy of American welfare since he was born 71 years ago recieving shelter, food, medical, retirement, education, salary, and more as the son of an active duty Naval officer, as a student at Annapolis, as a career naval officer, and as U. S. Senator. If one added up the costs of what McCain has received from the Federal Goverment, it would probably be more than any other person alive or dead and he is still living to cillect more from the federal government.
Bush and McCain have caused millions of American workers to suffer their own "Hanoi Hilton" prison of torture and inhumane conditions. Millions of Americans had to be fired where they would be unemployed most for long periods of time. The had to tell their spouses that they would not have the salary and benefits they once had. Many lost health care. Many could not help their children with college expenses. Many marriages failed. Many had to seek jobs below the earnings and benefits they once had. Their children suffered. Many could not handle the situation properly and became physically or mentally ill and some died prematurely. Some people have been fired multiple times already due to foreign outsourcing, H1B, and/or illegal aliens during the Bush administration. The Bush McCain victims never received 5 years back pay for their prison term as McCain. McCain, you are a cry baby.
George Bush's best day as President will be when he leaves office in January. America's best day will be when McCain loses the Presidential election and leaves the Senate to retire to his estate in Arizona. America's best day recently will be when Obama becomes President. Liar mortgages has been frequently mentioned in the Press lately but liar politics has not. Bush and fellow Republicans have almost destroyed America. It makes no sense to elect son of Bush, Mr. 90% voting with Bush, John McCain, unless you want to continue the destruction of America.
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