Friday, February 13, 2009

Mexico Should Handle Their Own Social Problems

Mexico Should Handle Their Own Social Problems
or Legal Americans Should Come First In America

Mexico's leading way to handle its social problems is to send their poor people to the United States as illegal aliens. Their leading second way to handle its social problems is to magnify its illegal drug business in Mexico and to export most of it to the United States. It is time for Mexico to stand up for itself and take care of their own people.

I never have been to Mexico, but I have seen charity advertisements for children in Mexico City that have no food, clothes, schools, or medical care living in huts with dirt floors. There is not even sanitary sewer facilities in most of the country even where American businesses have established factories in Mexico.

Mexican leaders must all be Republicans because they have no empathy for their Mexican poor. Even the Catholic church does not seem to do much for the poor. Why they do not guarantee high school educations for all of their children is beyond me. Why they do not have some form of food stamps so their hungry can eat is ridiculous. Why there is no health safety net for the Mexican people is beyond me. From what I have heard, most Mexican children are not immunized like American children from childhood diseases and other diseases that are pretty much stamped out in America. Minimal social safety net programs seem to be dreaded by the Mexican government because like our Republican leaders in America do not want to spread socialism in their respective countries.

However the American Republicans favor illegal Mexicans and other Central and South American illegals entering America for the cheap labor and for an entire class of people to otherwise exploit. And then the American Republicans exploit the middle class Americans because they are replaced on the job by the illegals, and not only that pay for the education, medical, other social programs, including sometimes jail for the illegals and their spouses and children.

Why should I have to pay for the education, medical, social welfare, and sometimes jail for illegal aliens with the taxes I pay to my town, county, state, and federal government when the illegals are illegal by definition. New Jersey could save more than a billion dollars each year in education, medical and other charity care, and jail expenses if the illegal aliens in the state were sent back to their home countries.

Because identification of illegals are forbidden, legal Americans must take their turn for social services and sometime are put on waiting lists because the illegal aliens have taken up all of the available positions in the programs. Frequently, instead of medical and dental problems solved within reasonable amount of time, Americans are wait listed and then handled on emergency basis involving unnecessary complications and pain.

The federal government would save hundreds of billions of dollars each year by sending the illegal aliens home. They say Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid are all going broke why is America enrolling illegal aliens in those programs is beyond me.

The American middle class is raped by taxes to pay for illegal aliens social programs.

The country of Mexico has had generations to step up to the plate and move into the 20Th and 21st centuries to educate their children through the 12Th grade, to provide food, clothing, and shelter for their poor, to provide health care for all of their people, and to provide sanitary water and sewers.

Maybe American Republicans should all move to Mexico where they will not have to tolerate even minimum "socialism" there. It is better for American Republicans to go to Mexico where there already is social cesspool breeding for them to enjoy than to remain in America and turn America into a social cesspool.


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