Governor Corzine: Tax Employers of Illegal Aliens
Governor Corzine why not tax employers of illegal aliens?Set up a budget to pay the public school expenses, NJ Criminal Justice expense, medical and hospital expenses, the cost of translating thousands of state documents into foreign languages, and other expenses of illegal aliens and their children each year. Since there are fewer legal immigrants than illegal immigrants the translation fee that applies to them should be isolated and paid from general revenues of the state of New Jersey.
Set up a fund called the Illegal Alien fund that has to be funded by employers of illegal aliens.
Add rates of contributions to the funds and penalties to the tax laws of the state of New Jersey.
Define the illegal alien as anyone who cannot provide a valid New Jersey drivers license or New Jersey county id card. Maybe we can use drivers licenses of the States of New York and Pennsylvania if illegal aliens cannot obtain them as in New Jersey and are available by computer in New Jersey. Have severe penalties for forging documents or to carry them as personal identification.
Make the rates of the contribution to the Illegal Alien Fund born on the employer only rather than having them withdraw funds from the illegal alien, since the illegal alien is probably already screwed with a low wage and few benefits. Make the reporting of Illegal Alien employment taxes like the New Jersey sales tax reporting, quarterly for small employers and monthly for larger employers.
The state already is involved in examining employees as exempt, non-exempt, and contract employees. The State of New Jersey should examine contract employees for tax reporting. Rules should be setup so that the majority of illegal aliens paid in cash are moved to non-exempt status and reported. Also any funny items should be examined in the tax returns of businesses suspected of hiring illegal aliens.
The State Department of Taxation should work closely with the Federal SSA and IRS to identify employers who hire illegal aliens in the state of New Jersey and follow up to obtain the Illegal Aliens tax from them. For some reason the Federal SSA withholds information like this and should be sued by the state of New Jersey if necessary to obtain this information.
Enable all New Jersey state, county, and local law enforcement agencies to seek out employers of all identified illegal aliens. Enable them to check out New Jersey Department of Labor computers to identify employment history and to note any discrepancies to the Department of Labor. This is important especially if the individual is known to be within the state for several weeks and cannot be found in the DOL computer. Apply vagrancy charges if applicable to the individual.
When the reports for unemployment tax which is already collected by individual worker come in to the Department of Labor the computers can also verify driver license or county card numbers with the Department of Motor Vehicle drivers license file and the file of all county ID cards and violations can be listed. Fine employers heavily for not using common sense to verify employee documents.
Now the major problem is to distribute the money in the fund. It is fair because the tax burden is now on the ones that benefit from the work of the illegal aliens and not the rank and file taxpayers of New Jersey.
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