Thursday, October 19, 2006

Impeach George Bush, Impeach Dick Cheney

If you think that George Bush and Dick Cheney should be impeached, do not vote for any Republican for the Senate of the House in a few days on Election Day, November 7, 2006. I would also go as far as to recommend not voting for any Independents in Connecticut either such as Joe Lieberman.

America has suffered with a Republican Executive, Legislature (Congress...both Senate and House), and Supreme Court. Congress rubber stamps all of President Bush's requests and the Supreme Court denied your right to vote by appointing Bush president during his first term.

Even if you do not know the issues, but feel like something is wrong from Washington, D. C. vote against all Republicans. Shake the Senate and the House up a little. The President does not like to talk to many people including Democrats and he does not like compromise...he likes you are with me or against me. Force the President if he wants to accomplish anything during the next 2 years of his presidency to talk with the Democrats and be more willing to compromise.

Maybe we can impeach President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney which would be wonderful. They have set so many bad precedents that they deserve it. Maybe we can eliminate the Republican stalemate of owning the executive, legislature, and Supreme Court by taking majority away from them in the Senate and House.

What do you think. Do you enjoy the Republican ownership of all branches of our three branches of government? Even if you rarely vote, will you vote this year?


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