Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's About Good Paying Jobs, Stupid

It's About Good Paying Jobs, Stupid

None of the Presidential candidates and the Press are talking about what I want to hear.

I want to hear about their plan for good American jobs. I want to hear about affordable higher education. I want to hear about punishing employers of illegal aliens. I want to hear about securing our southern border. I want to hear about making health care affordable. I want to hear about a wonderful America for my children and grandchildren. I want to hear about preparing America for the next generations instead of taking points made for the latest election. I don't want to give the extremely wealthy more by reducing efforts for the middle class and poor. I want to hear about the American Dream. I want to hear the truth. I want to hear about an affordable energy plan. I want to hear about the survival of the planet. I want to hear about a good international politics plan including dealing with terrorists that we can be proud of. I want to hear about a fair smart international trade policy.

I do not care that a contributor changed sides or that a candidate went into someone else's state and reaped a lot of contributions. I don't care that someone said something politically incorrect about Mormons. The press should speak up on the issues. We do not need the Press to provide the public with soap operas. As Sargent Friday said, "just the facts...". Let's make the candidates work for the votes by expressing their plans and ideas instead of propaganda. I want the Press to expose the propaganda. I want to also know what makes them think they are qualified for the job?

The Press should be tough and but fair, not lollipops when they interview and report. It is up to the Press to help get the issues on the table.

It seems they are all spreading manure. Mushroom politics. We all know that to grow mushrooms they require to be kept in the dark and fed manure. American voters are not mushrooms. I am not a mushroom. Are you?

We do not need 4 or 8 more years of chaos. Most of us think we made a mistake selecting the current president because his approval rating is so low. Let's not do that again. Let's get the agendas out into the open this time.


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