Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hubris and Greed of American Big Business

Toy recall because of lead paint and dangers of choking. Tire recalls due to lack of safety. Animal food poisoning.

What else is there to happen when we trade with China. For me, I am thoroughly disgusted with the whole matter. There does not seem to be much quality control within China for their products for export and even less inspection of imported goods entering America.

It seems that food products are not even required to be labelled for country of origin, which means there is no way you can avoid eating food or food products that originated from China or anyplace else. This is true because Washington is chasing lobby dollars who say it is too costly to label food products for country of origin.

Over the years Americans learned that many things are harmful. Lead paint probably led the way for cleanup and elimination from the marketplace. Most of us grew up with toys from American toy companies given to us by our parents and other relatives and as we grow older we generally buy from the same toy companies and give them to our children and other young relatives. Sometimes we buy for younger friends such as gifts for birthday parties. Americans know about the danger of lead paint, but maybe the Chinese do not.

But now American business is targeting products for American consumers including our children with deadly consequences that we have known about for at least one generation and expect to be excused by saying it is the Chinese government, businesses, and people that did it. I do not believe they should be excused at all. I think we should punish them severely. They all value their brands and I think we should kill their brands and make the companies go bankrupt. We can kill their brands by not buying them and telling retailers not to stock those items. We can write to TV, radio, and newspapers and tell them not to carry ads from companies that endanger the health and welfare of Americans.

I believe most companies were more prudent and less greedy than they are today. I think they would have tested items more closely than they do today. I think they would have ordered fewer amounts of merchandise until they had confidence that it was perfect and high quality and would remain so. I do not think they would have had the hubris to lobby Washington to practically abandon inspection of foreign food and merchandise imports for humans, pets, and the animal food supply into America and not to document the country source of the food products on the labels for American consumers.

I'll stand corrected but I heard that Mattel is the largest American toy company in the United States but they make no toys in America. If Mattel made toys in America, I think the American public would not only feel safer but actually be safer. I think communication of any problems would be earlier and could have been solved earlier. How can people communicate when they are thousands of miles away. And when a company contracts in a foreign country they do not have much to say about it until it is delivered to the dock for shipment home or arrives
all the way home. If I was a stockholder in Mattel, I would be enraged about the Mattel management for endangering the goodwill of the company.

I think that American business and our federal government make a mistake replacing and enabling the replacement of the American worker and we are seeing the evidence of this outrage now with our food and merchandise being harmful to us and our children and our pets and our animal food supply. American business should have instead supplemented its American workforce instead of replacing it. Our federal government should have supported labor.

Our Washington government let the public down by eliminating and avoiding consumer protection laws and while the scandal has been very public for many months has not improved the picture of American public safety at all. And many of these Washington leaders are running for President and shamelessly walk around thinking they are doing a good job now as United States Senators. They should be showered by virtual rotten tomatoes! They should have some shame. They walk around as the emperor in Hans Christian Anderson's Emperor's New Clothes fairy tale. I think most of us can see they are naked, parts of the problems and not the solutions of the problems.

The Republican Party and the Democratic Party should drop the respective symbols, elephant and donkey, and trade them in for snails for being so slow to act correctly. If the elephant, donkey, and snails eat too much food from China they may get deadly sick and die.


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