More Washington Lies
More Washington LiesWe are all being told that the economy of the United States is just fine. But we all know better. We just have to walk the aisles at our supermarket where everything has increased. Our automobile, healthcare, and homeowner insurance premiums have jumped higher. Gasoline and home heating oil is outrageously high. College tuition is rediculously high. There is no affordable housing. Electric and water bills have also recently increased. Even the local real estate taxes on our homes have jumped each year.
Our president and Congress make believe they do not see the increased prices in everything we have to purchase to survive. They lie, saying our economy is just fine. Just like illegal aliens they say they cannot find, but most Americans can spot them everyday out in the open, inflation is everywhere and experts tell us we have additional major price increases coming soon in gasoline, heating oil, electricity, water, corn and sugar, beef and chicken, local sales and real estate taxes, and medical care, hospitalization, and prescription drugs.
Why do they lie to us. According to some experts, Bush and Congress do not want to pay cost of living increases equal to the amount of real inflation to millions of social security retiree and disabled families as well as other government retireee or military disability holders. Even current workers and retirees from non-government employers who use government statistics for cost of living increases are being underpaid.
A hundred million American people have been ripped off at least hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars annually by Bush and Congress by unfairly keeping the cost of living much lower than it should have been.
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