Giuliani is Dirt
Giuliani is DirtEveryone knows the New York City World Trade Center was bombed twice. The first time was a huge fertilizer vehicle bomb that exploded in a garage basement level of the WTC. The second time was a few years later that we all know as 911 when thousands died.
Who was responsible for the safety of people in the World Trade Center towers before the second attack. Yes, Rudy Giuliani.
Although advised not to have the emergency control center at ground zero, Giuliani insisted it be established right there.
Emergency workers who were heroes could not talk to each other because of faulty radios.
It was chaos there that day. St Vincent's hospital prepared for thousands of injured that never arrived. With such a catastrophy, one would think there would be many burned, others with broken limbs or backs, internal injuries.... Most victims were incinerated...cremated. St Vincents as was all other emergency hospitals in the area, was the Maytag lonely repairman with no injured showing up. Stretchers and hospital staff were lined up for a city block at St Vincents waiting for injured and no emergencies showed up at St Vincents..I was there behind the fence and watching the WTC towers burn when I looked downtown. I commuted through the World Trade Center since 1974 on the Path trains that arrived below the shopping concourse that I walked through each day to get to and from work each day. I survived by travelling another route that morning bypassing the WTC.
Safety plans for the towers were insufficient. Emergency rescue plan was terrible. Building safety was inadequate. If they could guarantee everyone in the towers could walk out within an hour then the vast majority could have been saved. If they worked on a better plan to rescue survivors from floors above the fire, then more could have been saved. If they practiced the emergency maybe some things would have been tested and improved.
Instead of the hero of 911, Rudy was the Angel of Death for thousands. And I do not think he suffers any pain from those deaths. Giuliani was the fool, not the hero of 911. The mayoral decisions, planning, preparedness, and execution of safety of the WTC and really bad, cavalier, and negligent.
The biggest reson why Rudy Guiliani is so distasteful is that his corpoate clients might create ethics conflicts bigger than those of Cheney and Halliburton. Guiliani is partner in a Houston law firm that lobbies the White House and Congress for thousands of clients. Lobbyists are the whore representatives of big business and the super wealthy that sacrifice the values, decency, and economic survival of the middle class.
Finally, Rudy has raging hormones. Those of us in the New York area had to witness his adultery and separation from his second wife and the mother of his children while he was mayor of New York City. If he is so smart, why does he have such a problem with marriage? We do not need this chronic behavior in the White House.
Rudy, if we need another ass in the White House, we'll call on you. But don't hold your breath.
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