Million More Jobs Outsourced in America...Who Would Have Guessed It?
Million More Jobs Outsourced in America...Who Would Have Guessed It?
Now American citizens are outsourcing personal work they previously hired American citizens to do. American citizens are outsourcing their taxes, illustrations of personal writings, editing family videos, personal assistants, landscape architecture, dress design, kitchen remodeling, math tutoring, creating address labels, web site design, and writing assignments.
"Many U.S. service businesses now routinely subcontract some portions of their work offshore. An architect designing a residence, for instance, might send drawings overseas to be turned into computer-generated renderings."
How far are American citizens going to allow the disintegration of American jobs? Accountants, school teachers, graphic artists, architects, clothing designers, web site designers, writers, and others are losing their American market to aliens. To save money in the past, many Americans sought students or recent graduates to perform the work, but now they are seeking aliens to do it to save even more money.
Many Americans have the attitude already that they were fired from their American job and replaced by aliens, so why should I watch out for other Americans? If it boils down to that attitude, no American job is safe from being transferred to an alien. If you think your job is safe from being being transferred to an alien think again. Reputable American economists forecast as many as 40 million more jobs in America can be lost to aliens in the near future. Millions of us have already been told that we are no longer needed and watched our job being transferred to an alien. It is not fun to wake up the next morning and instead of going to work, wonder how it happened to you.
Americans have to pull together and realize what President Bush and Congress has done to American middle class citizens already by outsourcing tens of millions American manufacturing and service jobs overseas, allowing tens of millions illegal aliens to jump the American border and illegally work in america, and to aloow H1B alien visa holders to replace American workers on the job in America.
President Bush and Congress knocked down American labor but the referee is still counting. Middle class American citizens must stick together and fight President Bush and Congress to protect American jobs now. We must guarantee all American government contracts at the federal, state, and local levels go to American companies and that they hire American workers. We must secure the Mexican border. We must prosecute American employers of illegal aliens. We must prosecute all safe haven elected officials for conspiracy to break the law as well as those officials that forbid their police forces to arrest illegals. We must send all H1B visa holders back to their home countries because they are not needed since there are Americans willing, able, and qualified to do the work in America. We must get the federal minimum wage set to $10.00 per hour as soon as possible so that minimum wage earners in America have the same purchasing power as minimum wage earners of the 1960's. We must write to our elected officials and let them know howwe feel.
If Bush and Congress wants cheap labor, they can go live in Mexico. They can get all of the maids and landscapers they want there. Or they can live in India where they can get a live-in housekeeper to sleep on their kitchen floor. George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Ted Kennedy, and John McCain are not friends of American labor.
The referee is still counting, but the time is short before calling American labor out. Do you want to be the next American wondering how you got fired from your American job? Do want a decent paying American job or one for your children or grandchildren, you better act NOW?
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