Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Don't be hostage to foreign oil interests anymore

Most of us either waited in our cars during the gasoline crises of the Carter administration or heard about it. We remember the driving around looking for a gas station that was open and operating their gasoline pumps. We remember waiting in long lines for our turn at the pumps. We remember the limits on how much we could buy at any one time when we got to the pumps. During that time I was unable to ever get a fill up on gasoline. And I remember usually obtaining about $5 worth of gas each time I was lucky to find a station pumping gasoline and after I waited in a long line. Frequently, I had to get gasoline from a second station because I could not get enough the first time to make the round trip to work and home.

Carter went on TV and wore a sweater to show he was lowering the heating temperature at the White House and to encourage us to do the same. Many actions were accomplished at that time like mandating more cars with higher miles per gallon. All of the energy progress of the Carter administration was watered down by subsequent presidents including Readan, the two Bush s, and Clinton.

We have had painful $5 gasoline for our cars and $5 fuel oil to heat our homes during the past few years. Yes the oil companies maximized their profits and unjustly rewarded themselves and punished the American consumers and the American economy.

The oil companies always seem to know when to pullback the price of oil after they engorged themselves on tens of billions of profits for themselves. Usually when the oil companies pullback prices the American leaders and public seem to forget to do anything about the excessive prices. But during the Obama administration it appears that American leaders and the public will remember that even when there is a short pullback in prices the oil companies always raise prices to even higher highs

Another leader with great plan is Boone Pickens:

There are several pillars to the Pickens Plan:

* Create millions of new jobs by building out the capacity to generate up to 22 percent of our electricity from wind. And adding to that with additional solar capacity;
* Building a 21st century backbone electrical grid;
* Providing incentives for homeowners and the owners of commercial buildings to upgrade their insulation and other energy saving options; and
* Using America's natural gas to replace imported oil as a transportation fuel.

All Americans should go to the Pickens Plan website http://www.pickensplan.com/theplan/ and read all about it. There are even action plans for people to follow.


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