America Is Nation Building Again
America Is Nation Building Again, For the Third TimeWe all are familiar with the two wars America is engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are still at least new weekly American casualties in each country. It appears that neither will be solved short term because there are so many large rebellious factions in each country.
Bush Senior was smart enough not to advance on Iraq during the Kuwait War ad he was able to bring the troops home in short order. But Bush Junior was not that smart and we are still militarily engaged there.
The Russians fought many years in Afghanistan and finally left without any victory. In fact America supported the Taliban that fought the Russians there. Everyone knew that the country was a training ground for 9/11 terrorists. But again, our favorite Yale University History Major, George Bush did not learn his lessons well and sent American military there where Obama is escalating the number of American troops.
Bush knocked out, disassembled, or fired the Iraq Army, police, fire department, post office, civilian leadership, and other institutions. Shortly thereafter there was riots and looting. Then the Bush administration realized they had to recreate Iraqi national and regional leadership, a national constitution, train a new military and police force, and other pursuits to rebuild the Iraqi nation. The job is not completed yet.
America will have to rebuild the nation of Afghanistan also.
There is a third episode of nation building that not many people are talking about and that has been going on since Reagan. That is the nation building of the Spanish speaking in America. Already many news outlets are discussing the second society in America.
Cable TV and most retail stores are both English and Spanish. We have more than 10 million illegal aliens in America that our national leaders favor more than legal citizens. Spanish speaking lead all immigrants arriving into America. Spanish speakers have the highest birth rate of any other group in America. Spanish speakers will displace African Americans as the second majority in America within a few years. In a decade or two they will if population growth continues, displace English speakers as the majority population in America. Hispanics are gaining seats in Congress and local offices. A Hispanic is seeking a seat on the Supreme Court. TV commentators stated that it may be possible to have a Spanish President in America within the next couple of years.
For centuries, immigrants sought citizenship and learned English when they arrived in America. The Spanish immigrants are reluctant to learn English. More and more English in America is being converted to Spanish. Now there are Spanish speaking jobs in America that no English only citizen will be hired for. Spanish advertisements are being shown on English speaking TV. Spanish speaking children can spend their entire 12 years of education in Spanish led classes in America. Thousands of teachers were fired and replaced by thousands of ESL or English as a Secondary Language. And the majoriy of ESL teachers are of Spanish heritage that are biased to anything Spanish. But our educational systems are still producing Spanish only students.
More and more Americans are learning about the Spanish speaking people in America than we ever had to before.
We even ignore tens of million of illegal Spanish speaking aliens as to not have confrontations with them.
English was good enough for most of our ancestors that immigrated to America. America was a melting pot with a common language, English. Now, our schools are flooded with Spanish only speakers. Felon employers, landlords, and elected officials granting sanctuary are not even being investigated let alone being prosecuted. And the social costs of the illegal aliens are on the American taxpayers. All documents of government are now in Spanish also.
World leaders speak and world level communications are done in English. International airline pilots must speak English. Most other immigrant groups know some English before coming to America and make efforts to learn more quickly.
Our children will probably see a majority population of Spanish speakers in America. With that goes the vote of government. They may make Spanish the official language of America. They will probably turn everything in America as we now know it Topsy tervy where it is unrecognizable. More than 2 centuries of American English heritage will be discarded and replaced with something all in Spanish, a new nation.
Lets keep American English speaking heritage the same and make English the official language of America. Lets be creative in rapidly teaching Spanish speakers the English language. Lets have English as a common language for all of us. Lets write to our elected officials. And vote them out of office if they support the Spanish speaking nation building in America.
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