Saturday, July 29, 2006

Solution for Social Security and Medicare Crises

I obtained my working papers in the early 1960's as a tenth grader in high school and pretty much have been working since then, more than 40 years. I still have a few more years to reach 65. Except for something around 5 years, social security and Medicare was continually withheld from my paychecks from January 1 through December 31 of each year and they were additionally withheld from any additional checks such as vacation checks and bonus checks. I'll admit I was thrilled when my annual withdrawals on Social Security and/or Medicare were completed early, but I don't think that ever happened before Thanksgiving. We all know the Social Security amount is high and it is really nice when you have the cash in your check instead of being withdrawn.

Even in the late 1960's when I was on active duty in the United States Army being gross paid around $116 per month, Federal income tax, Social Security, laundry, and other things were withdrawn from my monthly pay and I think my monthly takehome was around $80 per month.

My proposal is to increase the maximums of gross salary and bonuses to at least one million dollars annually for everyone to be withdrawn to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes while not increasing benefits except for cost of living. At this level maybe the tax rates for withdrawal could be reduced for everyone.

Just about everyone pays Social Security and Medicare taxes all year long just as I have. It's is fair.

There are too many people in the United States that are paid so much money that they are finished with their withdrawals when it is taken out during their first or second paycheck each year. I don't think that is fair. Do you?

I am so sick and tired of all of the hideous ideas going on about the crises. George Bush and Congress seem to be leaning towards reducing benefits, which would be a crime. The vast number of Americans, legal immigrants, and yes, even illegal immigrants are receiving Social security benefits and Medicare and depend on them.

What do you think? Have you written to your federal, state, and local representatives?


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