Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Samuel Wright Bodman, Secretary of Energy , Pee Wee Herman of the Bush Administration

Samuel Wright Bodman was sworn in as the 11th Secretary of Energy on February 1, 2005 after the United States Senate unanimously confirmed him on January 31, 2005. He leads the Department of Energy with a budget in excess of $23 billion and over 100,000 federal and contractor employees.

The message we hear from this guy is don't worry and everything will be ok. But I don't believe him.

The energy crises is getting worse. There are no metrics showing any improvements at all on the supply or price of energy. Everyday there are more problems, such as the leaks in the Alaskan pipeline. We are also warned that the energy supply may be reduced soon by hurricanes.

America needs a National Initiative to fight the energy crises. America has to handle the energy crises like a war. We need action. We need meaningful results. We need objectives to reach. We need a plan. We need to mobilize every citizen and immigrant into the plan. We need to get all of the countries in the world involved.

Samuel Wright Bodman, Secretary of Energy we do not need jokes or to be entertained. If I want to laugh, I would watch children's programs. We need results. What measurable efforts have been accomplished to increase the supply of American sourced fuels, alternative fuels, conservation, and so forth and so on. Can you promise us that we will not have $5.00 or $10 prices for gasoline.

Does America need an effort like they did to create and build the TVA, to create 100's of mg of electric with renewable power not including nuclear?

How about using Eminent Domain against the energy industry when they are delaying or not even trying to gain fuel production of American lands they own or lease and turn it over to companies that will rapidly develop the lands?

Don't you have personal goals like reducing foreign dependency of energy by half during your administration, keeping the price of gasoline below $4.00 per gallon nationwide, forcing the energy industry to increase the supply chain capacity by 50% across the board from sources of fuel in America, to storage of crude supplies, refinery capacity, transportation of crude and finished supply, storage at market destinations.

I guess if you continue the way you have been doing, we don't have a chance in hell. Thank you for nothing but misery, Mr. Bodman.


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