Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Second Society in America is Wrong

A Second Society in America is Wrong.

You know what I am talking about. Yes! President George Bush and Congress are fostering a second society of Spanish speakers in America. Spanish speakers are the biggest minority in America after English speakers. African-Americans are the next biggest minority today after the Spanish speakers. And the Spanish speakers are set to grow in population in America by almost one and a half million more Spanish speakers annually for the next century.

America had two societies before one white and one black and it took two hundred years to straighten that out and two societies was wrong back then too.

I think most people under 40 years of age take everything for granted, because they have not seen anything in person, but have seen a few movies. They should talk to their seniors before it is too late and their relatives pass away from old age. They should study the civil rights movement.

It is safe to say that Presidents Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II and the majority of the Senators, and many of the House members are racist. Look what they are doing to the Spanish speakers and the English speakers.

1.) Each of the Presidents have not protected the southern American border and allowed tens of millions of illegal aliens into America.
2.) President Reagan gave amnesty and citizenship to millions of illegal aliens.
3.) President Bush II wants to give amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens also.
4.) President Clinton signed Executive Order 13166, With that act, the federal government became officially multilingual, requiring any entity receiving federal monies to provide services in any language. This Order should be repealed.
5.) While the middle class in America does not benefit from the illegal aliens entering America, they are paying the social costs of the illegal aliens including health, education, incarceration, and welfare.
6.) Prosecution of employers of illegal aliens is ignored by President Bush and Congress.
7.) The Senate voted down the first increase in the Federal minimum wage in about 8 years recently.

It used to be that illegal aliens worked under the table without documents for a daily stipend. Many still do but many more use false documents to obtain regular jobs replacing American citizens and legal immigrants. You can see them daily at your fast food restaurant, supermarket, meat packer, construction crew, landscape crew, and even in your local warehouses. They are competing for the same jobs as your neighbors, relatives, and friends but are willing to work for less wages and benefits.

The flood of illegal immigrants reduced the wage and benefit standards for most areas of America over the past few years replacing American Citizens and legal immigrants in most of those jobs. Employers advertise for Spanish speaking employees and Spanish English speakers. No English only potential employee will get those jobs.

Bush likes to say the illegal aliens take jobs Americans do not want. But he does not talk about the American citizen that was fired because he or she was paid more money and the alien will work for less. Bush also tells people to go back to school in order to obtain an education or training. But with million of jobs a;so outsourced to foreign countries he cannot recommend what to study to requalify for another job. Many people obtain training but still cannot obtain another position.

The children of illegal aliens are getting educated in America but there is a lack of initiative in the vast majority of states and local districts to rapidly teach them English. Instead of being promoted out of English as a Second Language in two or three years...many students languish in ESL classes for more than a decade. In fact many graduate with high school diplomas without learning English. Many eventually become American citizens without learning English.

I was startled to find so many Mexican flags on TV while watching demonstrations of illegal aliens in America. It was revealing when many Mexicans told Americans to go home to Europe that they were the rightful citizens of the Western American states.

Tension has started already. Just read the newspaper and watch TV or the Internet. The Spanish speaker lawyers are suing the English speaker lawyers. Some of the Spanish speakers are already getting elected. Many are getting quite prosperous.

Freedom was for all of us to be able to do most things, go anywhere in America, and have an opportunity to work or be educated anywhere in America. Now we are developing an English world and a Spanish world in America. What are we eventually going to do...have separate Spanish cities and states in America, schools, jobs, media, American military, and more? I hope not.

The immigration game was to learn English as fast as possible and become an American citizen. This game is still being played by everyone else in the world coming to America, except for many Spanish speakers. Why do we need a different rulebook for the Spanish speakers, when the game is good enough for Asian, African, European, and Arab immigrants? Learning English was good enough for my ancestors.

We need to solve the problem before it gets out of hand. It is an infection that will get worse without assistance. Most American citizens have lost already by paying out billions of dollars for this farce already to provide social benefits for these people. Black Americans have already lost their status as the largest minority in America. What is America going to do when the Spanish speakers demand more?

Here are the things to do for starters:
1. Stop illegal immigration.
2. Enforce the law to punish employers of illegal immigrants.
3. Make English the official language of the United States.
4. Revoke Executive Order 13166.
5. There are immigration laws that exist already but many are ignored. Enforce existing immigration laws.
6. Tell America that Bush and Congress unfairly and overwhelmingly increased the supply of labor by not enforcing the immigration and that most illegal aliens should be forced back home.
7. Increase the Federal minimum wage.
8. Many Presidents and members of the House and Senate are Ivy League inherited wealth goldrobbers taking from major corporations and foreign countries and stealing from America's rank and file citizens. Congress works about 100 days each year compared to most of us working many more than 200 days. There are too many scandals in Washington, D.C. They can spend millions of dollars of reelection money as they choose and get to keep it when they retire. They can't think beyond their next election, when many problems require solutions of much more time. We need to redefine the jobs so that they work 200 or more days and give attention to the needs of our country. There should be new rules to define proper conduct. We need the lobbyists to leave Washinton alone except for maybe one week each year when they can send emails and do presentations. We need to re-examine election funding so that we can obtain fewer mega-millionaires in office and enable ordinary citizens to compete. Buying an election with personal funds should be a criminal offense. There should be no more business as usual in Washington.


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