Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Employee Verification Mandatory

I agree with Congressman John Boozman, a successful businessman and life-long resident of Arkansas, is in his third term representing the Third District of Arkansas in the United States House of Representatives.

He says,"We also need to make employee verification mandatory. Currently, several large businesses across the United States participate in a voluntary employee verification system which double checks potential employee Social Security numbers against a national database to ensure the person is a legal citizen eligible for employment. The pilot program is extremely successful, and I believe it is time to require all employers to use it. The employee verification takes only a minute or two and can be completed on-line by any employer. By making this program mandatory, we can ensure that the citizens of this country are employed, rather than employing illegal workers and we can also help put an end to identity theft through Social Security numbers. In many cases, illegal immigrants are stealing identities to obtain employment and drivers’ licenses, as well as open credit card and bank accounts. These numbers belong to legal citizens who have no idea someone else is using their Social Security number. The implementation of a mandatory employee verification program will help protect American citizens from this exploitive practice."

Find the rest of his article on Immigration reform with this link...

From what I understand only 12,000 employers have volunteered to become part of the verification process, but there are more than 10,000,000 employers that have not signed up for it. It is time to mandate employee verification now.


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