Tuesday, October 24, 2006

First Citizen

First Citizen

When all is said and done, sometimes one has to pick an American citizen for your children as the number one role model for being an American Citizen.

The first person one thinks about naming as role model is the President of the United States of America. However, when the President of the United States is George W. Bush, you have to introduce the concept of the man and the Office of the President of the United States of America. In this case you have to tell your children the role model of an American citizen is the Office of the President of the United States. The Office of the President is an ideal and the man is human, but the man should approach the ideal.

Below is a comparison of the Office and the Man:

Office the Man
1. America does not start war. George Bush started the Iraq war.
2. The President is elected. Was appointed for first term.
3. The vote of every citizen is critical. The national vote is suspect already.
4. The President upholds the constitution. Bush ignors laws he does not like.
5. Congress legislates the law. Bush creates his own law.
6. President protects America's borders. A million illegal aliens enter US yearly.
7. President balances national budget. Worst fiscal showing of any President.
8. Assists desperate citizens. 10 million families without health benefits
9. Assists low income. Minimum wage not increased in 8 years.
10. Respects middle class Middleclass pays costs of illegal aliens.
11. Does the right thing President more loyal to party than country.
12. Is pragmatic with world trade President gives away store.
13. Creates good paying jobs Lowers pay and benefits for most Americans.
14. President does what he promises. The President lies.
15. Is fair to all citizens with taxes. Favors the super wealthy by far.
16. Facilitates international goodwill America's goodwill declines.
17. Follows the most popular agendas. Bush has his own agendas.
18. Honors secrecy. Bush outs Valerie Plame.

I think we all have an ideal of what it means to have the Office of the President but the personal qualities of the occupant may be strangely different.


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