Bush, Pelosi Under Fire Over Immigration
Bush, Pelosi Under Fire Over ImmigrationA California group that favors strict limits on immigration is airing a radio ad criticizing incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and President Bush for their anticipated cooperation on immigration reform.
"At a time when immigration is overwhelming California, it's horribly ironic our state's own representative is the one pushing for open-ended increases in immigration," Diana Hull, president of Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), said in a statement Tuesday.
Hull said Californians "want less immigration, not more, and so do most Americans. Now that Representative Pelosi is becoming Speaker Pelosi, it's time for her politics to grow up for the good of this state and the country."
The ad is currently airing in Los Angeles and San Diego, outside Pelosi's home district, which covers most of San Francisco. It encourages listeners to join the group to "stop this Congress and President Bush from increasing immigration."
Please read the above link.
Pesident bush took a thumping at the polls this past November because the american voters gave both houses to the Democrats. Americans want the border to be protected and the laws enforced to penalize employers of illegal aliens.
Speaker Pelosi should be aware that she must protect our border and enforce the law to penalize employers of illegal aliens or else she and the Democrats will be thumped during the next election.
Everyone know the law of supply and demand and countless illegal aliens have flooded America taking jobs that American citizens held for reduced rates and by not complaining due to fear of being fired or deported. Speaker Pelosi should be concerned with the million of American citizens who were fired and lost their American dream.
And after being humbled by being fired from their jobs American citizens are forced to pay the social costs to educate and provide health care for these illegal aliens. And they pay the social costs for the drug dealers, other criminals, and the extremely sick who wander across our southern border pretty much unimpeded.
The worst effect of this unbridaled exploitation of the illegal aliens is that President Bush and his predessors are creating a second society in America of Spanish speakers. America had two societies for hundreds of years and it was wrong then and is wrong now.
Senate majority leader Reid says that English as the official language of America is racist is wrong. It is unpatriotic that he does not support English as the Official Language of America. 21.3% of the people in America according to the US Census barely speaks English and it is racist not to encourage them to learn English. If they do not speak English then they are most likely to be exploited here in America.
Bleeding hearts complain about the suffering of the illegal aliens, but they do not say a word about the millions of Americans that lost their jobs and their American Dreams to the illegal aliens.
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