Wednesday, February 06, 2008

We Badly Need A Plumber In Washington, DC

We Badly Need A Plumber In Washington, DC

We Badly Need A Plumber In Washington, DC to turn off the spigott of illegal aliens running across our still unprotected border taking American jobs away from American citizens and legal aliens in America.

President Bush continues to say they are doing jobs that Americans do not want to do, but what he is really saying is these down and out illegal aliens have undercut existing wage and benefit levels in America. Because there is very inadequate prosecution of employers who emply the illegal aliens, thousands of employers have fired their American legal workers and hired the illegals.

We all know of this exploitation of the illegal aliens and the greed of the individuals that hire them. We all know that legal immigrants would get the same wages and benefits as Americans on the same job because they would not be afraid to hide in the shadows with risk of deportation, no matter how slim that chance is. For the most part the illegals are good people. But Bush and Congress really want these people so that they can be exploited severely. All of Washington should be very proud of themselves. Remember during the first term of Bush II when many people he nominated violated labor laws of the people that cleaned their houses, cooked their meals, and cared for their children.

The other people that are exploited are rank and file Americans that have to fund the education, the medical care, and other expences of the illegals that the Bush people and his comrades do not have to pay because of all the tax breaks he gave to the rich. The limited funds in America's safety net has become more limited due to the illegals. States and cities are screaming for relief from the illegals, but Washington just lets it be.

The spigott needs to be turned off so that no illegal aliens can enter the United States. The spigott was turned on excessively since the Reagan presidency. Tens of millions of illegal aliens entered America since that time. Reagan gave millions amnesty. Other presidents looked the other way such as Daddy Bush, Clinton and the current Bush.

Then because of all of the flooding, it needs to be mopped up and delivered back to Mexico where it came from.

Maybe if the illegal alien problem was a mild or moderate one, everyone could be gracious and ignore the problem, but it is gigantic. When the supply of workers is grossly increased and it causes Americans and legal immigrants to be fired, and it also causes wage levels to fall dramatically, and it causes benefit packages that once were available to be reduced or elliminated entirely...then Bush and Washington has gone too far.

All of the Presidents since Reagan have picked the pockets of American citizens and legal immigrants by allowing the flood of illegal aliens into America and allowing them to work here. Even Hillary and Obama want to be friends and allow the illegal aliens to remain here. And Hillary and Obama do not want to seal the American southern border. McCain wanted the same as Hillary and Obama but has changed his mind a little. These people make me sick to my stomach. They have facilitated the muggings and severe anguish of American lower and middle class wage earners and smile at us thinking it ok or that we do not know better. Well, most Americans know better. These elected officials and many others are sabotaging the American job market in America for Americans. Personally, I think they are as bad as terrorists.

Well we are stuck with continued large volume illegal immigration from our southern border and the numbers of illegals replacing American citizens and legal aliens increases everyday. Even though it is all illegal, Bush and Congress by not enforcing the law of protecting the American border and prosecuting the employers of illegal aliens, make the appearance of tens of millions of illegal aliens walking our streets to appear normal and acceptable but it is not.

Without the illegal aliens and H1B aliens, and if the hundreds of thousands of American citizens were not fired, and if the level of the wages and benefits were not reduced, then we may not be in a recession now. And we would not need the recession package still being debated in Congress. Most Americans and legal aliens would have more money than the scimpy tax rebates planned.

By the way, to reduce wages and benefits again, they also allow a million legal alien workers in America, replacing Americans on the job, and when there are qualified Americans willing and able to perform the work. The H1B program was to supplement the American workforce with highly educated alien workers when there were no Americans available to perform the work in America. Dishonorable, disgraced, and greedy companies have fired Americans on the job and imported aliens to replace them at lower wages when there are Americans available and willing to do the work. These companies have committed fraud and our elected officials facilatated them.

America needs to turn off the spigotts of illegal aliens crossing our border and legal aliens of the H1B visa program and other similar visa programs and mop it all up to have them go back to their own countries.


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