Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Second 50 Reasons Why You Are Not A Republican

The Second 50 Reasons Why You Are Not A Republican

This is the second list of 50 reasons why you are not a Republican.

Many people vote Republican, mistakenly, They believe that their success was all up to themselves and if they failed it was a problem they brought up on their own. They were taught that they could not ask government for any assistance and would have a lot of anguish if they ever had to apply for any safety net programs.

Below is a list of reasons why you are not a Republican and should vote Democratic. Many people will see themselves and if they thought about it would vote Democratic. Many will see themselves many times.

Just think about Republican McCain’s new proposal to eliminate the penalty for those 70 and ½ years of age that do not start to withdraw from their IRA’s or 401k’s because they would have to sell securities that have gone down a lot of money during the current stock market meltdown. In the first place most Democrats do not have an IRA or 401k and if they do they have been drawing down on it frequently and paying penalties because of unemployment, illness, major bills, children’s tuition, and many other things. If a Democrat retires, most likely they will be withdrawing well before age 70 !/2. This directly helps anal McCain because he could take advantage of it and save on taxes for himself. McCain and his wife have more than $100 million in assets and more than $4 million in annual income. How much more does this rascal require?

1. You reached the limit on a credit card.
2. You cannot pay more than the minimum payment on your credit card bill.
3. You had any utility turned off because of non-payment.
4. When you were a student you had to drop out of school one semester or more because of a lack of funds to pay tuition.
5. You never wore a tuxedo or gown.
6. You never were a member of a country club.
7. You never bought a car brand new from a new car dealer.
8. You have no jewelry worth more than $100.
9. You buy everything on time payments instead of cash.
10. Your children put themselves through college or trade school.
11. You put yourself through college or trade school.
12. You never attended college or your child was the first to attend in your family.
13. Your children are helping with your support.
14. You do not take all prescribed medication because you cannot afford it financially.
15. For any major repair on your house, you must obtain a loan to pay for it.
16. You never ate in a 4 star restaurant.
17. You never stayed overnight in a 4 star hotel.
18. You never paid more than $3 for a cosmetic.
19. You never had a spa treatment.
20. You never had domestic help.
21. You never had a landscaper.
22. You never bought anything from the liquor store that cost more than $20.
23. Your family had a collection to pay any bills of a loved one.
24. You never travel first class.
25. You never bought designer clothes.
26. You never paid more than $50 for a pair of shoes.
27. You never had season tickets to any professional sports venue.
28. You have one home.
29. You work for an hourly wage.
30. You earn less than $100,000.
31. You have less than 1 million dollars in a retirement account.
32. You home market value is under 1 million dollars.
33. You own no museum quality art.
34. You work unpaid overtime to keep your job.
35. The most you travel by air is twice per year or you never travel by air.
36. You never paid more than $1,000 per person for cruise travel or you never took a cruise.
37. You never had a complete medical evaluation from the Mayo Clinic or similar hospital.
38. You never paid more than $1,000 out of pocket for any medical procedure for any one year.
39. Your medical insurance refused any of your doctor recommended service or drug and you or a loved one had to do without it.
40. You never traveled outside of your home state.
41. You reached the Medicare drug program donut amount and are selecting the medications to buy and those to skip.
42. You never had a ride in a limousine.
43. You have to work to survive retirement.
44. You do not have a financial trust or similar entity.
45. Your relatives or yourself never had to or need to go through probate because there are few if any assets leftover.
46. You never inherited anything more than $1,000 in cash or things from any one person.
47. You never received a gift of more than $500.
48. It would be useless to sue you because you have nothing more than a house and little income.
49. Your children are worse off than you financially when you were their age..
50. You will never be as successful as your parents or grandparents.


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