While the city vows to save and create jobs for recession-ravaged New Yorkers, one of its biggest contractors is importing techies from India, instead of hiring local computer nerds.
IBM won a $1.9 million contract with the Department of Finance to analyze its old main databases so they can be improved, but the company has transported "consultants" from Mumbai and other parts of India to do most of the work.
Mayor Bloomberg and IBM Corporations are traitors to American workers and improving the American economy. There was no need to hire aliens Indians when there are a million unemployed IT workers qualified, willing, and able to perform the work. In fact there is no need for any H1B alien workers to be hired when American unemployment is ranging up to 15% and higher in some states.
IBM is a traitor corporation importing temporary Indian workers when American citizens are qualified, willing and able to perform the work.
Mayor Bloomberg is not a good American citizen. Maybe he should leave America and live with the Indians that he admires more than Americans. As the founder of Bloomberg that provides financial information is heavily computer technical which Mayor Bloomberg understands as a former CEO. He thoroughly understands what has been happening in the Information Technology during the past decade including the massive layoffs of American jobs to offshore locations primarily India and the replacement of additional massive numbers of Americans in America with H1B aliens.
Mayor Bloomberg has blood on his hands for not steering those jobs to Americans instead of Indians. Mayor Kotch used to ask in public, "How am I doing?" If Bloomberg asked the same question I would tell him, pretty crappy and that I thought he stunk out loud.
The American economy is in great pain and Americans are losing jobs in tremendous numbers. Mayor Bloomberg and IBM could have improved America's economic problems and unemployment, but they decided not to do so.
As an elected official in the largest city of America with America and New York City in economic decline and unemployment so high how could Mayor Bloomberg approve importing aliens to perform work in America? Is he not sensitive to American labor specifically IT workers? Why can't he be loyal to America instead of India.
IBM Corporation may have short term gain with cheaper labor from India, but their reputation is damaged. They are disloyal to America. I used to admire IBM and had many friends employed with them, but I no longer admire IBM and I do not know anyone employed at IBM anymore.
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