Monday, May 01, 2006

Energy is a National Emergency Right Now; We Don't Want Foreign Oil

America has been reeling from shortages of foreign oil and excessive prices for more than 30 years. It started with the Ford administration and was worse during Carter's administration. It picked up during the current Bush administration and there is no end in sight. America is not going to be able to see measurable independence from foreign oil at the current pace for 10 years. Windmill electricity, ethanol production, Federal miles per gallon standards, and all other efforts to minimize foreign oil dependence will not even total the net annual increase in demand for energy in the US.

Oil is now about $70 per barrel and forecasts of $100 per barrel and $200 per barrel seem real possible in the near term. I am not anxious to pay $10 per gallon for gasoline for my car or for fuel oil to heat my home. I am even more anxious thinking about not even being able to find it to buy at that price.

America has a history of responding extremely well when called to action.

During World War II, America faced wars on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and geared up quickly producing almost 50% of the world's gdp during those war years.

The Nazi's were trying to build a nuclear bomb during World War II, but never completed it. The United States established the Manhattan Project and built the first nuclear bombs and fired them and saved millions of lives by quickly ending the war with Japan.

America was and still is the leader in the space race.

America should be called to action to solve the energy crises within 2 years. No excuses. Whatever needs to be accomplished should be accomplished. We have 97 ethanol plants today...If we need 500 additional ethanol plants lets build them and grow the corn or sugar to supply them. If we are paying farmers not to produce, lets mandate that they produce corn or some other plant that can be used by the ethanol plants. If we need 1,000 more oil wells in America, lets build them. If we need to develop synthetic fuel lets build the plants. If we need 100,000 additional windmill generators, lets install them. If we need to conserve, lets all conserve. If we should all put devices on the roofs of our homes to produce electricity from the sun, lets do it. If we need to build energy efficient homes and appliances lets do it. If we need to wear sweaters, lets not be afraid to wear them. If we should close the highway stores and malls on Sunday, lets do it. Maybe we should let our lawns grow an extra week before clipping them with our gas mowers. If we need one or more oil refineries built in the United States, lets start building them. I am sure there are smarter people than I, who are more knowledgeable about the feasible things that can be done.

Congress and the President are wrong on waiting for enzymes to convert organic material to ethanol and for experiments and design of devices to utilize hydrogen, because it will take a decade at least to develop the infrastructure and to enable the public to have the merchandise in their hands to use them in sufficient quantity.
Washington, did not heed the warnings of energy shortages and high prices during the Ford and Carter administrations and we may be in a worse set of circumstances today.

Let me spell it out for you. Nuclear is already dead. Nobody in their right mind should ever want that. And imported oil has lived long enough and is on its way out, rapidly. American oil is also on its way out as renewable technology takes hold.

Do you agree that the President and Congress have done nothing about the imported oil crises that will help us during the next few years? Send letters and emails to the President, Senators, and representatives to do something to provide relief now for the American public. What do you think?

Deja vu: Russian Missile Crises

Since Castro came to power in the 1950's, there were many American Presidents, Senators, and Representatives in office during those 50 or so years to normalize or at least begin to normalize relations with Cuba but did not.

There were some serious issues related to Cuba with Soviet Russia that America had. American and Soviet warships bumped each other in the areas around Cuba. Also, Russia placed missiles in Cuba that could reach the United States. America had a naval blockade on Russian ships traveling to Cuba that may be carrying weapons. It was a dangerous time when America could have gone to war with Russia.

Now it seems that China may be developing sea rigs to harvest the oil in the southern Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Cuba and potentially less than a dozen miles from America's border. China is known to trade weapons for materials that they need such as oil. China's military may establish a foothold in Cuba. China's military vessels may visit Cuba, including submarines with nuclear warheads.

The Bush administration and Congress may still be able to establish some degree of communications with the Castro government. From what I understand it is illegal for an American to travel to Cuba. Today, some people in America with Cuban heritage travel to Cuba from Canada that has relations with Cuba. From what I understand, many Cubans in America send funds to help out relatives that remain in Cuba. Both Bush and Castro seem to be baseball people, which could start a dialogue.

I know I would prefer to speak to Castro and those that succeed him now than additionally with the Chinese. Dialogues with the Cuban government should start immediately. Castro wanted to come to the United States in February or March 2006 to attend baseball games of the Cuban national team, but was not allowed for some reason. Over the years Castro has traveled in America many times.

Maybe the press should try to explain the soap opera going on between Washington, DC and Havana. Maybe there should be a few PBS movies about it. Maybe the President and each of the Congress men and women should explain why America is boycotting Cuba.

I don't think it would take too much time for China to make Cuba a China satellite country. I would not be surprised to find out there were Chinese bases in Cuba eventually. It would be easy for China to place more Chinese there than the current population of Cubans. It would take less than 5 years for tension to rise with the Chinese presence in Cuba that could cause a military conflict between the United States and China.