Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Its Metrics, Not Hot Air That Counts

The American people have let the President and Congress get away with hot air and not substantiable metrics.

For example we have seen President Bush at the Border many times saying lately that he is for a secure border. He has mobilized the National Guard to assist the Border Patrol and he has increased the number of additional border patrol officers. He has stated that technology will also be added to help guard the border such as unmanned TV planes, motion detectors, and some fence.

What are the metrics for guarding the border? Today we have between one and three million illegal aliens crossing over into America and we are capturing and returning a million other illegal aliens each year. Metrics puts a number on how effective we are today, maybe 20% effective, and can estimate how much more effective additional Border patrol Agents, the National Guard, and technology will be, maybe 25% effective? America want the Mexican border to be 99% secure and I am sure the President and Congress know what that will take to get it done. Right now it is all hot air and I don't expect to see a quantifiable secure border with Bush and the current Congress in office.

The president and senate are also talking about a guest worker bio card, which is more hot air. Some number will need to be processed like 10 million aliens. They do not know if the technology is available to do what they are talking about. It would probably take up to 10,000 workers to process the current 10 million aliens within a two or three year time span. They are already talking about giving it out as a contract, maybe Haliburton will want it. Before they get started they will need a big computer system to process and store all of the information which may take at least 2 or 3 years to accomplish. There is really no metrics from the government. If it ever gets off of the ground, it will take a decade to get it going.

Another example is hurricane savaged New Orleans. It is in no better shape today than it was before last years hurricane season. We saw a lot a Presidential face time on camera, but the city infrastructure has not been upgraded to handle an additional hurricane category. More hot air. New Orleans is ripe for more severe devastation if another powerful hurricane swings by this year.

The current administration's policies are more hot air in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are three levels of effort in almost any major endeavor: operational, tactical, and strategic efforts. We must always provide maximum support to our military, especially those in harms way. There are too many bomb injuries to American soldiers and civilians at the operational level. The American people need to know what the efforts are to accomplish the tactical and strategic objectives. Right now it is all hot air and smoke. All we see are killings and sever injuries. What are the tactical and strategic missions and how are they being accomplished? Hopefully we can leave Iraq and Afghanistan better places than when we arrived there and that the populations can survive the future in peace and some prosperity. Right now the metrics that we see indicate we are failing.

These are several examples of hot air, lip service, or one might say it is just plain "bull". Everyone with a radio or TV hears the mantras that we are going to save New Orleans, we are going to protect our borders, we are going to have a guest worker bio card, we are going to win in Iraq and Afghanistan, but what is really being accomplished? The American people need more than promises that go unfilled. The American citizens require substance rather than photo opportunities. They need the efforts accomplished successfully, not poorly accomplished. Not much has been done substantially.

What do you think about these issues? Have you written your representatives lately? Do you think that the press or public television has covered this subject matter adequately? Do you think the president and congress have done a good job? Do they represent your ideas or are they following and working an elitist agenda?

What do you think?

National Illegal Alien and Guest Worker (H1B) Day Replaced Citizenship Day

The article from the link is Citizenship Day and Constitution Week Proclamation
Citizenship Day (September 17) and Constitution Week, 2001
By the President of the United States of America (George W. Bush)
A Proclamation which we probably will not see repeated for this year 2006.

It is intended to celebrate "each of us must recognize that we bear a solemn responsibility to promote the ideals of freedom and opportunity throughout our land. We each should serve our Nation by actively supporting and shaping our Government's institutions, by working together to build strong communities, and by loving our neighbors. Doing this will ensure that the American dream will become real for every willing citizen; and, in fulfilling this call together, we will honor the spirit of our powerful and enduring Constitution".

It is being replaced by Illegal Alien and Guest Worker (H1B) Day, because American citizens and legal immigrants are held in low regard at this time.

While rank and file Americans lose their jobs or have to work for lower wages and benefits and are forced to pay the social costs of the illegals and guest workers, the robber barons, including George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Ted Kennedy, Frank Lautenberg, and Robert Menendez and others renege on fully guarding The American borders, fail to penalize the thousands of employers hiring illegal workers, want to keep the illegal aliens in America and also increase the numbers of guest workers such as H1B, do nothing to stop or at least slow down the exodus of good paying American jobs, do not have the self respect to require fair trade with international trading partners and instead gives away America's valuable markets to foreign companies and workers, reject specifying English as America's primary language, and have not increased the federal minimum wage in almost 10 years.

What is funny is that in 10 years or so when many of these illegal aliens become American citizens, and many of their children become well educated, the same people will screw them as Americans and facilitate tens of millions of additional illegal aliens to disrupt their making of a living and force them to pay the social expenses of their replacements.

Many of these named individuals seek additional elective office and should be reminded that American citizens vote and aliens do not. They should listen to the American rank and file people instead of to the aliens and the American wealthy elite.

It is evident that National Illegal Alien and Guest Worker (H1B) Day Replaced Citizenship Day this year. Citizenship Day was good while it lasted. Maybe Citizenship Day will come back when the our President and the majority of Congress are voted out of office. And if the Republican Party and the Democratic Party does not present candidates that will represent rank and file Americans and their issues, then maybe we need a third party.