H-1B Visa Propoganda Is All Bull
H-1B Visa Propaganda Is All BullThere are many companies in America who have vested interest in supporting and magnifying the H-1B Visa program in the United States. The source of this article is InformationWeek that receives advertising revenue from many of the companies making fortunes from the H1B Visa.
Below is the link to the U. S. Federal factsheet on the H1B Visa
http://www.dol.gov/esa/regs/compliance/whd/FactSheet62/whdfs62.pdf .
The specialty occupations are for the most part engineering, scientific, and computer jobs requiring a lot of education, skill, and experience. The article from InformationWeek takes too broad a look at job openings including clerical, sales, and other "non-specialty" occupations.
My experience is that most H1B's in America are contract labor not brought to America by the direct employer. The end employer looks at the H1B as time and materials. The H1B usual work location is in the same building as the direct employer's staff. The H1B never receives the benefits, salary, or working conditions as the permanent employee. Much of the revenue generated by the H1B goes to the contractor that brought him or her to America. Most H1B's live cowboy style like a bunkhouse with more individuals sharing rent than normally acceptable in America. There may be four of them in a one bedroom apartment, for example. Generally, everyone knows that the contracted H1B workers can be fired with 5 days notice with no further obligation to them from the direct employer.
Why do you think most end employers will only contract with others that sponsor the H1B aliens and do not sponsor them themselves? They know they are skirting the law.
H1B contract workers are appealing to American corporations for many reasons. First, the H1B has no rights within the company where they may eventually work. While true employees are covered by the employee handbook, the H1B's are not. A true employee can expect to work out problems with human resources, but the H1B contractor cannot expect to be treated fairly there. At many employer companies, the working conditions of H1B's leave a lot to be desired such as just desk space in rooms with desks side by side and one phone to be shared, while the true employee has a carrel with desk, side chairs, their own phone, bookcases, white board, and file cabinets.
The loaded cost of the H1B contractor is much less than the loaded cost of the true employee. The wages are not even close. The rates that the end employers pay the contracting company that sponsored the H1B is less than the loaded cost of the true employee at the end employer. Health insurance leaves much to be desired for the H1B. I bet comparisons are made among H1B workers and not H1B workers and their true employee peers at the organizations where they work. Many true employees receive profit sharing, defined retirement, employer contributions to a 401k, dental, eyeglasses, free access to employer sponsored health club, and other goodies while the H1B does not receive any of it.
America has gotten fleeced more than once on health insurance because usually the H1B worker is insured, but not the spouse or children especially newborn infants. When the spouse or child requires medical care, if the hospital is lucky, they can receive charity care from the state.
The H1B usually has three bosses. There are usually managed by true employees of the end hiring company. Then they are managed by the organization that sponsored them. Then they have to follow rules of the H1B Visa.
It seems that some jobs are advertised in American newspapers that require advanced degrees with specific majors and experience with a heavy load of job related subject matter offering a low salary. Most Americans will not match the requirements and neither do most H1B, although many will match some of the requirements. Who can read a third world diploma or call third world past employers to verify experience? What usually happens is that the resumes are sometimes fudged. Before interviewing at an employer, the H1B is coached in the subject matter. If hired and the H1B has difficulty with something, he or she has the resources of their sponsor company to assist them. the sponsoring company may even bring in an expert for free for a few days to solve the problem as goodwill.
The InformationWeek author included " So, who's trying to fill the most jobs? According the NFAP report, S&P 500 employers with the most job openings as of January 2008 are Microsoft (4,005), Northrop Grumman (3,925), Lockheed Martin (3,901), General Electric (3,078), Countrywide Financial (2,415), JPMorgan Chase (2,164), Tenet Healthcare (2,050), United Health Group (1,927), Raytheon (1,694), IBM (1,670), Computer Sciences Corp. (1,666), Cintas (1,664), L-3 Communications (1,618), Bank of America (1,600), U.S. Bancorp (1,562) and Cisco Systems (1,504). "
I am sure that most of these jobs are not "specialty" jobs characterized as eligible for H1B Visa aliens. Google the company websites and you find which kinds of jobs there are available. Personally, I believe that no more than 10% of these jobs qualify as "specialty Jobs".
lot of organizations are throwing the manure about the H1B Visa program. Most of them for it and for expanding it are motivated by greedy profits. They lie and also try to confuse everyone. I've worked side by side with H1B Visa holders for thirty years and found them to be pretty truthful. Ask them about the H1B Visa program in America if you do not trust American citizens. During the 70's, 80's, and 90's, the numbers of H1B's were low or moderate. Since the 2000's the numbers of H1B's have increased excessively. During the 70's, 80's, and 90's it was easy for Americans to leave one employer and find a job with another employer.
In the 2000's the world has changed for American citizens in Information Technology. During the 70's through the 90's all recruiters in America were American. About half of the recruiters for permanent jobs or contracting jobs and American contracting companies are out of business and replaced by companies specializing in H1B or outsourcing American jobs overseas. In fact even IBM will outsource American IT jobs overseas.
If an American citizen obtains an employment interview now, he or she will be interviewed by third world people most likely H1B Visa status who have no vested interest in bring aboard American citizens. The H1B Visa holder is embedded in many corporations and are in the critical path of the goals of the management. Talk to American citizens on the job today about what they really think about their H1B Visa holder workers.
Yes, there are a very limited number of tremendously brilliant IT workers throughout the world, but most of the work is for the average skilled IT worker. Bill Gates on TV acts like he wants to hire all of the tremendously brilliant IT workers because he cries there is a shortage of American IT workers to do the job at Microsoft. But everyone should look at the characteristics of most of the hundreds of H1B Visa people he hires, which indicates he is hiring them mostly as average skilled IT workers for average skilled IT jobs. Bill Gates could fill all of those average skilled IT jobs where he has hired H1B Visa workers with American citizens. America has its share of the world's tremendously brilliant workers as well as average skilled IT workers. Bill Gates should tell the truth especially when he talks to Congress.
Most of the spin about H1B Visas are untrue and made by those making huge profits from the program, while the American worker is outsourced unfairly. American business in the 70's through the 90's were pretty sensitive about public opinion and hired H1B people at a minimum level and outsourced overseas at a very low level. When public opinion was not damaging to these companies they went forward with relish through the 2000's. The H1B program as it is used today is not right for America... In fact most are here in America illegally, by fraud and misrepresentation. Most H1B Visa holders are the same as the illegal aliens from Mexico, illegal and should be returned to their home countries and their employers should be punished.