Americans seize jobs they once pooh-poohed, Foreign Student Workers Stay Home This Summer
Americans seize jobs they once pooh-poohed, Foreign Student Workers Stay Home This SummerPROVIDENCE, R.I. -- This summer, the guy running the Tilt-A-Whirl at the carny might be a laid-off, middle-aged accountant instead of the usual bored college student. And the towel attendant at the pool might be from East Providence instead of eastern Europe.
All over the country, resorts and other summer businesses are getting swamped with applications from out-of-work Americans, many of them professionals. They are competing for jobs usually filled by young people and foreigners -- making beds, serving brunch, mowing lawns, running concession stands and operating carnival games and rides.
Millions of Americans are working at or near minimum wages this year and many others cannot even find jobs at those levels. Some Americans work 2 or more part time minimum wage jobs. Even American college and high school students are seeking these jobs because finding jobs in America are difficult for them at this time.
The article states that thousands of Americans are lining up for temporary seasonal jobs at resorts, restaurants, tourist areas, hotels, and amusement parks. These employers should hire Americans first. Foreign student workers should know that the American economy is not good and they may be overlooked from employment in America during the summer. Foreign student workers should stay home this year because if they must work they may find employment underground where they may be treated unfairly or even abused by employers, and even cheated on their wages. With travel and living expenses, most foreign students coming to America to find work this year will find a lot of expense and little income if any from their labor.
America will welcome foreign college students because the tourist spots have not been doing well and they need the income. This is probably the best time for them to visit America because most prices are competive and the availability is high and the lines should be short.