Bush, The Quicksand President
Bush, The Quicksand Presidenthttp://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/Dispatch/080118markets.aspx
Markets nix Bush plan
President Bush decreed his economic stimulus plan and everyone for the most part did not like it and felt it would not improve the economy.
This is the man who bragged that he worked with both parties while he was Governor of Texas and promised that he would work together with Congress if elected President.
With the bulk of the American citizens feeling that there is big room for improvement in America, this President is consistent with his unilateral perspective of what and how things should be accomplished in America and the World.
President Bush's popularity has been sinking in quicksand and he continues to proceed in his bad fashion.
The economy is important to everybody. Why did he not ask for contributions of ideas from the Senate and the House of Representatives? Why was he not gracious enough to make Congress part of the process to come up with solutions to the economic problems? Bush just sank in more quicksand and he has only himself to blame.
The stimulus needs to be more than giving taxpayers a few hundreds of more dollars to spend. There are fundamental structural problems with the economy that must be addressed. Most of the major structural problems were caused by Bush the son himself, with contributions from his recent predecessor presidents, also.
This month it was reported that America's manufacturing base shrunk and most people thought this was bad for America.. Well, most of us know when you outsource millions of American jobs overseas this is what happens. Duh?
The majority of Americans are facing higher prices such as gasoline and heating oil and gas as well as higher grocery prices, while annual salary increases are stagnant. American are squeezed by higher prices. And Americans that have recent mortgages are also being squeezed by bankers, who sold them mortgages that the homeowners cannot pay because the rates have risen so much.
Personally, I think Bush is operating out of a philosophy instead of hard facts. He believes that the markets will take care of themselves and whatever pain happens to American citizens will be ok, since they could have chosen better. Bush is like the card dealer who cheats dealing out bad cards to middle class citizens and good ones to big business, China, India, and other countries.
The bad hands to middle class Americans were many. By not protecting the border and allowing the supply of unskilled labor to flood the unskilled labor market by tens of millions of illegal aliens Bush destroyed the salary level and benefits that many Americans previously enjoyed and deserved. Bush had millions of Americans fired by facilitating the exportation of American jobs both blue and white collar to foreign countries. To add insult to injury, Bush fostered the importation of aliens to replace American citizens on the job in America with the H1B program and other immigration visas.
Quicksand Bush also does not have a comprehensive energy program. If American citizens are hurt with high energy prices now, they are expected to go much higher next winter. And basically because there is no energy program, America is converting much of the food supply to energy causing shortages and higher prices with the balance available for food. Everyone knows that the food supply should never be wasted, big dummy.
Using a little intelligence, Bush can save himself from the quicksand, but I guess his philosophies are more important to him then actions to better the lives of American middle class citizens. Bush should be more pragmatic.
Many people are already comparing the Bush II presidency with Calvin Coolidge's. Right now many people have agreed in the past that Calvin was the worst president. If Bush II does not redeem himself quickly, then he will replace Calvin as worst president ever in America.
Mr. President, with all of America's problems during your administration, why not just bail yourself out of a few, like the economy and the war in Iraq. Today, you are punishing most of America's good citizens. If you do not perform better, the next President will have to act and also get credit for everything. With you, the political pendulum has moved far right and you know that the American population have already spoken in its disfavor during the last election. The pendulum will stop moving to the right and will start moving to the left. Mr President if you fail to act responsibly now, then the pendulum will more much further to the left after the 2008 presidential election.
President Bush is sinking dangerously in quicksand but the worse of it is he is taking America with him into the quicksand. President Bush should save himself and America.