Take Care of America's Poor and Elderly First
President Bush and Congress have 11% of America's citizens going hungry. They moan about bankrupting Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. We see homeless American's sleeping on the streets of America as we walk in our cities and watch TV. Would you believe we have illiterates graduating from our public school systems? Would you believe we have the highest number of kids quitting high school before graduating in the civilized world?And President Bush and Congress force us to pay out billions in social costs to illegal aliens. And it is not just Federal dollars paying out to social costs for illegal aliens, but it is state and local dollars for the most part paying those bills. The children of illegal aliens are in your local schools and your local school taxes pay for their educations as well as those of you children and those of your legitimate neighbors. States and counties are paying for the criminal justice system for illegal aliens that break the law. Hospitals are stressed servicing the illegal aliens.
Local and state budgets are being crushed with the costs of the illegal aliens. Hospitals are going bankrupt because of the expense of illegal aliens.
America should take care of its poor and elderly first ahead of the illegal aliens. American citizens demand priority over the illegal aliens. Bush and Congress should get their priorities strait. There was a wake up call to Bush and fellow republicans during the November 7, 2006 election...Hopefully there will not need to be a wake up call for both republicans and democrats in two years when the next major election takes place.