Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hillary Whores Hispanics

Hillary Whores Hispanics

Hillary Whores Hispanics and turns her back on middle class American citizens.

Sen. Clinton, D-N.Y., who Wednesday picked up the endorsement of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, will travel to Santa Clara today to address computer industry executives at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. Later, Clinton will head to Sacramento for a private fundraiser at the Rancho Cordova home of real estate developer Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis.

Villaraigosa, the popular mayor and a leading Latino political figure, announced his endorsement after Clinton toured UCLA's Krieger Center preschool to tout her plan to make preschool available for all children in America.

Villaraigosa is known for creating a sanctuary city for illegal aliens in Los Angeles.

All legal Americans know that the next Pesidential election is about good paying jobs for legal middle class citizens except Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.

Hillary Clinton believes that crime pays and supports the illegal alien invaders that capture American jobs by being willing to accept less than the accepted wage and benefit level. She believes in qualifying illegal aliens for Social Security and Medicare benefits. She supports criminal employers that hire illegal aliens. Hillary accepts gross outsourcing to foreign lands of American manufacturing and service jobs. Hillary supports the importation of highly educated aliens into America with the H1B Visa program to replace Americans in America even though there are willing, able, and qualified Americans to perform the jobs in America.

It is all supply and demand. Tens of millions illegal aliens reduced overall wage levels in hospitality, landscaping, construction, and other lower skill industries. Giving hundreds of thousands of high paying manufacturing and service jobs to foreign countries left millions of Americans underemployed. Importing hundreds of thousands of high skilled aliens into America with the H1B program when there are willing, able, and qualified Americans to perform the work in America is the biggest insult.

Hillary is not the friend of American citizen labor whether highly skilled, medium skilled, or no skilled. Hillary Clinton wants to make friends with the Hispanic community thinking that her support for illegal alien amnesty and qualifying illegal aliens for Social Security and Medicare will enable them to vote for her.

Boy, is she wrong. It's good paying jobs for American citizens, lady. The illegal aliens do not vote. American citizens vote and they are not dumb. Hispanic American citizens that have to work for a living will see through her.

Some media have stated that President Bush has almost single handedly destroyed the Republican Party. Hillary is doing the same for the Democratic Party.