Bush and McCain Redistributed Wealth To the Wealthy 8 Years Now
Bush and McCain Redistributed Wealth To the Wealthy Almost 8 Years NowThe George Bush and John McCain redistributed wealth in America several ways in the almost eight years recently.
First Bush and McCain gave tremendous unfair tax savings to the wealthy and biggest corporations.
Republican Teddy Roosevelt urged the progressive income tax for Americans, where those at the higher levels of income would pay more. Republican Teddy Roosevelt would be ashamed of George Bush and John McCain.
Secondly, George Bush and John McCain did not hinder one job from being outsourced overseas. This disrupted millions of Americans that lost their jobs and livelihood.
Next, George Bush and John McCain sponsored hundreds of thousands of temporary alien workers like H1B and 22 other visa types to replace Americans on the job in America. None of these people were farm workers, but all possessed at least a four year college degree. All of these H1B category aliens should be sent home because there are available, willing, able, and qualified Americans to perform those jobs.
Fourth, George Bush and John McCain fostered millions of illegal aliens to cross the American southern border mostly unhindered and to work mostly unhindered in all continental 48 states. They refused to arrest and punish the illegal employers of the illegal aliens.
Fifth, George Bush and John McCain did away with laws and oversight in America's financial and housing markets creating chaos and costing trillions of dollars in lost home and retirement savings for rank and file middle class Americans while making many financial executives wealthy.
Sixth, George Bush and John McCain may have totally ruined America's economy. Everyone says the Crash of 1929 was worse but our current crises is not over and it has been said to already be the next biggest failure since that time.
Seventh, George Bush and John McCain are not protecting the American public from harmful products. They cut support from oversight agencies even though the population has increased to more than 300 million from 200 million in 1968. No wonder Americans and our pets are getting sick from peppers from Mexico, dog food from China, and lead toys from China. America is not performing 3/4 of the inspections today that were done in 1968.
Eight, George Bush and John McCain repudiated Ronald Reagan's Redistribution of Wealth by using the investment tax credit. This is where people below the poverty line can get money from the government paid for by wealthier Americans.
The public and the media should ask John McCain how much he and his wife saved annually and their estate expects to save with the Bush tax program and how much they expect it to cost with the Obama plan.
The public and media should ask John McCain if he honors Republican Teddy Roosevelt's progressive Income tax program and his buddy, Ronald Reagan's investment tax credit redistribution of wealth program.
John McCain says he can do better but he is an ingrained conservative far right neocon republican and even if he would like to he cannot change his stripes. He is trying to sell himself as a republican elephant with lipstick, but we all know he is still a republican elephant.